
Nuclear applications are in constant evolution, which is why PKTRONICS is on the lookout for products and technologies to contain and reduce potential risks.

An expertise in the nuclear sector

The nuclear sector is a sector that must be at the cutting edge of technology. Confronted with extreme temperatures and relatively high danger, the materials and systems used must be robust and resistant to the surrounding environment.

Specific nuclear solutions

The nuclear sector is in constant evolution. The PKTRONICS group accompanies the changes in this field by supporting the major players and providing them with reliable and quality products.

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Supporting nuclear energy

PKTRONICS supports the nuclear sector by supplying the major players in computer and electronic equipment. Our products gather all the characteristics to support and inform nuclear workers.

From research to innovation

Our products are useful both to optimize and support today’s nuclear industry, but also to prepare the future of the nuclear sector, in a perspective where a total change could take place. We also support the development of research on nuclear-related health risks.



At PKTRONICS, we attach a high importance to quality, which is why we offer customized solutions that meet your specific requirements in addition to standard solutions from partners who are experts in their field and with whom we have been working for more than 15 years for the most part.